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About PAPDIS files

Learn more about PAPDIS files and the answers to some commonly asked questions.

Written by Smart Pension Support
Updated over 4 years ago

PAPDIS is  a CSV file that can be exported from your payroll software to provide us with your workplace pension details as per your payroll in a compatible format.

A PAPDIS file  has two major functions: manages employee data and creates contributions. PAPDIS  is one of the ways to update the platform of pre assessed contributions. 

A PAPDIS file can:

  • create or update employees 

  • create postponement records

  • update leaver information (dates and reason)

  • update contribution percentage changes (both employer and employee)

  • create contributions

Frequently asked questions

Does my payroll software have PAPDIS available?

What happens if my payroll does not have a PAPDIS file available currently?

Some payroll software’s are able to send data to Smart Pension directly without the need for a file via API ( Application Programming Interface)

If your payroll software does not have PAPDIS or an API please contact on [email protected] and a member of our team will investigate for you. 

Alternatively, you can use the Smart Pension Platform to assess and calculate contributions for your employees and input the data back into the payroll using our assessment tool. 

How do I upload the PAPDIS file to my Smart Pension account?

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