Compare Smart Pension and NEST

Learn how we compare to NEST when it comes to features, investment performance and user rating and why you should choose Smart Pension

See how Smart Pension compares to NEST

Smart PensionNest
Trustpilot rating4.6 (Excellent)4.1 (Great)
Employers signed upOver 70,000Over 1 million
Number of membersOver 1 millionOve 12 million
Mobile app
Find and combine pensions tool
Payroll integration

Information is taken from company websites. Comparisons based on information sourced September 2024 and will be updated every six months. The information contained here is for general information purposes only and we accept no responsibility or liability for the use, reference to or reliance on information contained here. We encourage you to do your own research of pension providers and this is not considered advice.

How Smart Pension investment performance compares to Nest over the last three years

Pension providerThree years cumulative performance
Smart Pension (A)20.0%
Nest (B)13.8%

Source: Trustnet. Net of charges, noting actual charges may differ. Funds used Smart Pension – Smart Sustainable Growth and NEST - NEST 2040 Retirement Pn. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Comparisons based on information sourced January 2025.

Why Smart Pension?

Easy to use app with real-time pension access,  members can access their account through the app or website.

Award-winning investments –  our investments have a sustainable approach whilst also focuses on maximising returns for members.

Streamlined pension admin – connecting your payroll software to Smart Pension and automating pension uploads.

Value for moneymany companies switch to us to reduce the fees that they and their employees are paying.

Employer account – comply with auto enrolment legislation and extract real-time data and key management information, all at the touch of a button.

Stand-out service – with full project management support, from transferring data to communicating the change to employees, we have a seamless process.

Financial wellbeing – meaningful support provided to all members about all their finances, not just pensions.

Smart Rewards – free access to discounts and cashback at over 1,400 major retailers, saving members’ up to £600 a year.

Colour key
key hidden when published

Workplace pensions – competitor comparison

Companies who recommend Smart Pension

Radfield Home Care Ltd, Shrewsbury

Having used other automatic enrolment pension schemes, I can say that Smart Pension is the best one I have come across for a few reasons. The set up of new schemes is very simple and the platform is easy to navigate and understand. The customer support is excellent and I believe that our employees have a similar experience with their individual pension accounts.

Inspired Villages, UK

The set-up of new schemes is supported by our dedicated point of contact and we always receive quick replies and excellent support from the Smart Pension team regarding any contribution queries. Our employees have access to their own pension account online, so they can easily keep up to date with their pension, plus Smart Pension offers excellent employee benefits and a good choice of funds.

Hear from our customers

The service was fast and friendly. This experience was beyond my expectation and it's the best customer service I have ever received.

Rated excellent by Trustpilot

Awards and achievements

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