Find your lost or forgotten pensions

An easy way to boost your pension savings is to find any pension savings you’ve lost or forgotten about

Pension treasures are out there, just waiting to be found

As many as 1 in 20 people could have lost a pension so start your pension treasure hunt today. You never know what you’ll find – maybe a hidden gem to help you build a brighter future?

More money for your future

There's an estimated £19.4 billion in UK pensions pots lost or forgotten.

£31.1 billion to find

With an estimated £31.1 billion out there in lost or forgotten UK pension savings,* how much of it could be yours?

Source: National Pension Tracing Day

Have you ever changed jobs?

Did you know that the average person has 11 jobs in their lifetime? No wonder it’s so easy to lose track of your pension savings.

 a series of buildings representing jobs

Have you ever moved house?

The average person moves house 8 times in their lifetime. And only 1 person in 25 remembers to tell their pension provider their new address.*

Easily find a pension gem

Use our online tool to search thousands of pension providers in a matter of clicks. What if you find a hidden gem? It could mean retiring sooner or going on more exotic holidays in later life.

We make it easy for you to find lost or forgotten pensions

Use our easy online tool that searches thousands of pension providers.

Follow these easy steps:

  • Sign in to your Smart Pension account.

    You’ll need your email/username and password. If you’re struggling to sign in, read our help article.

  • Click Combine pensions.

  • We need your permission to proceed.

  • Click ‘Add a pension’.

For more help click here.

Keep track of your treasure

Using our tool, you’ll be able to see your pensions in a simple dashboard showing all your pensions in one place. Plus it’s easier to keep track of your pensions when they’re together.

Put your treasure together

To save time and money, you could combine your old pension savings into your Smart Pension account. Read our transfer guide before deciding.

Why consolidate with Smart Pension?

  • You can use our mobile app to easily manage your pension savings.
  • We will be net zero by 2040, and we’ve already reduced our emissions by 50%
  • We look after more than £3 billion in pension savings.
Combine my pensions


Need some help?

You can speak to SAVA, contact us or visit the help centre