

Onboard, pay, reward. All in one place.

The Finity recfintech ecosystem takes recruitment businesses from placing a worker to getting them paid in one unified solution. Trusted to pay over 100,000 UK workers per month. Minimise admin and keep it all in one place for greater accuracy, speed, and ease. Plus, for the first time, you’ll earn rewards for every timesheet and payslip you process.

With Finity, the whole supply chain wins. Back office teams get more done. Clients feel assured in your next-level service. Workers have greater peace of mind when payday comes around. We call that Financial Unity.

Join the recfintech revolution.

Not supported

Direct API – ready

This payroll platform integrates with the Smart Pension API.  It is the easiest way to send us your payroll and pension data (also known as "one click" or "direct integration"). The process simply involves you clicking a button on your payroll platform, which sends the data directly to Smart Pension.

Not supported

API – coming soon

API integration is coming soon for this payroll platform. The process will involve you clicking a button on your payroll platform, which will send your payroll and pension data directly to Smart Pension.

Not supported

Direct API – not available

This payroll platform does not integrate with the Smart Pension API.

Not supported

Excel and CSV – ready

This payroll platform supports Excel and CSV upload. The process involves you manually filling in an Excel template or CSV template that we provide. You then upload it to the Smart Pension assessment tool. We run the assessment and calculate the pension contributions for you.

Not supported

Excel and CSV - coming soon

This payroll platform does not support Excel and CSV upload.

Not supported

Excel and CSV - not available

This payroll platform does not support Excel and CSV upload.

Not supported

API through Middleware – ready

Some providers such as Pensionsync, AE Exchange and Aeclipse provide a bridge between your payroll software and Smart Pension. You'll need to create an account and pay the middleware provider, though this is usually only a few pounds per month. To find out more, visit our Middleware partners page.

Not supported

Middleware – coming soon

Middleware integration is coming soon for this payroll platform. If you want to use it, you'll need to create an account and pay the middleware provider, though this is usually only a few pounds per month. To find out more, visit our Middleware partners page.

Not supported

API through Middleware – not available

This integration is not available. If you want to use it, you'll need to create an account and pay the middleware provider, though this is usually only a few pounds per month. To find out more, visit our Middleware partners page.

Not supported

PAPDIS – ready

This payroll platform supports PAPDIS integration (Payroll And Pension Data Interface Standard). PAPDIS is a standard format for moving payroll and pension data between platforms. The process involves you downloading a PAPDIS file from your payroll platform, then uploading it to Smart Pension.

Not supported

PAPDIS – coming soon

PAPDIS integration (Payroll and Pension Data Interface Standard) is coming soon for this payroll platform. The process will involve you downloading a PAPDIS file from your payroll platform, then uploading it to Smart Pension.

Not supported

PAPDIS – not available

This payroll platform does not support PAPDIS (Payroll and Pension Data Interface Standard) integration.

What is middleware?

Middleware is a software that acts as a connector between different products, applications and services and can be accessed through APIs (Application Programming Interface). Middleware helps to enable the seamless communication between your payroll and pensions by integrating them onto one convenient platform.

To find out more, visit our Middleware partners page.

Working with our payroll partners

The Smart Pension platform integrates seamlessly with most common payroll software. However, we are not responsible for and do not accept any liability for any third party, supplier or partner websites or applications. That includes the use, content, performance, security, functionality, accuracy and privacy of such websites and applications, and availability of links to them.

Please read our privacy policy and make sure you're happy with the terms and conditions, permissions, access, and other criteria for accessing or downloading any third party, supplier or partner website or applications.