Welcome to Smart Pension

This page is for all employers of the Ensign Retirement Plan who are moving to Smart Pension

Introducing your new pension scheme

Paul Budgen, our Director of Business Development, talks about how the pension scheme is run for the benefit of both employers and their employees.

Offering you a better service and value

Better value for money

Your employees will pay a lower annual management charge of 0.25% instead of 0.31%.

Sustainable investment options

Our default investment strategy is designed not only to invest to maximise returns, but also to protect the world you’d like to retire in. Your employees’ pension savings will be invested in funds that support environmental, social and governance factors.
Download the latest investment guide.

We own and develop our own technology

Unlike other pension providers, we use our own technology which means it can deliver improvements and new features quickly.

You’ll have a louder voice

We’re introducing an employer and member panel for The Ensign Retirement Plan. This means you can have a greater influence over how the pension scheme is run. You will also be able to raise ideas to the main Trustee board.

Your to-do list when you join

To make sure everything goes smoothly when you join us, please complete the tasks below.


Sign the participation agreement

Once you have joined Smart Pension, we will send you an email which will include the online participation agreement. You will need to sign and complete this agreement.


Provide us with payroll information

You will need to upload your current employees’ payroll information so we can collect contributions each month. We also recommend that you tell us who will be the lead contact on the account.


Pay your regular contributions over to Smart Pension

You will need to pay us your regular contributions each month.

What happens next

Over the coming weeks, you will continue to receive communications from both Ensign and Smart Pension to keep you informed.

Frequently asked questions

Why is my pension scheme moving to Smart Pension?

The Trustee of The Ensign Retirement Plan has been reviewing the pension scheme. In particular, they’ve been looking at how it currently operates, how much it costs and the value for money you get.

Following this extensive review, the Trustee of The Ensign Retirement Plan has decided to select Smart Pension to run its pension scheme.

They believe Smart Pension offers great value for money, for both you and your employees.

Contact us

If you have any questions related to the Trustee’s decision to transfer over to Smart Pension, please email [email protected].

If you have any questions about Smart Pension or how your new Smart Pension account will work, please complete our online contact form.

Welcome to Smart Pension

This page is for all members of The Ensign Retirement Plan who are moving to Smart Pension

Offering you a better service and value

Better value for money

Your new Smart Pension account has a lower annual management charge of 0.25% compared with 0.31% which you currently pay.

Smart rewards

You will get free and unlimited access to over 1,200 discounts at major retailers across the UK. This could save you an average of £400 a year.

Smart Pension app

Our award-winning platform is designed to make it easy for you to access your account in real time, through the app and with just a tap of a finger. Find it on the App Store and Google Play.

Sustainable investment options

Our default investment strategy is designed not only to maximise returns, but also to protect the world you’d like to retire in. Your pension savings will be invested in environmental, social and governance funds. Download the latest investment guide.

You’ll have a louder voice

We’re introducing an employer and member panel for The Ensign Retirement Plan. This means you can have a greater influence over how the pension scheme is run. You will also be able to raise ideas to the main Trustee board.

Your to-do list when you get access to your online Smart Pension account

To get started and make the most out of your new account, you should complete the below tasks when you join us.


Sign into your Smart Pension account for the first time

We will send you an activation email to set up your account.


Update your expression of wish

Sign into your account, click Account and then add Expression of wish.
This lets us know who you’d like to nominate in case you die before taking your pension savings. 


Check and update your contact details

Sign into your account, click Profile details and then check your personal details. We strongly recommend adding a personal email address so we can contact you if you leave your employer.


Review where your money is invested

Sign into your account, click Funds and then Manage your investments.

What happens next

Over the coming weeks, you will continue to receive communications from Ensign and Smart Pension to keep you informed. 

Frequently asked questions

Why is my pension moving to Smart Pension?

The Trustee of The Ensign retirement plan has chosen Smart Pension as its default pension provider. This means that if you currently contribute and your employer does not select another pension provider, all future contributions will be paid to Smart Pension.

Your existing pension savings that you’ve built up with Ensign will be automatically transferred to Smart Pension, unless you tell Ensign otherwise or your employer chooses a different pension scheme.

What happens if I have already left The Ensign Retirement Plan?

If you have left and no longer contribute, your existing Ensign pension savings will be transferred to the Trustee’s default (Smart Pension), unless your employer selects a different pension provider.

Your existing pension savings will automatically be transferred to Smart Pension unless you or your employer tells Ensign you’d like them to go to a different pension provider.

Contact us

If you have any questions related to the Trustee’s decision to transfer over to Smart Pension, please email [email protected].

If you have any questions about Smart Pension or how your new Smart Pension account will work, please complete our online contact form.